

Learn about the Team at Anoka County Investor Relations, including our Finance and Central Services Division Manager, Accounting Director, and Budget Director.
Photo of Cory Kampf

Cory Kampf

Finance and Central Services Division Manager
(763) 324-1751

Cory Kampf, CPA (inactive) serves as the Finance & Central Services Division Manager for Anoka County.  His position acts as the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer for the County and is responsible for directing the County's overall budget, accounting, purchasing, and Treasury functions.  This includes actively managing an investment portfolio in excess of $140 million, along with the planning, issuance and administration of all County Debt.  

Prior to joining Anoka County in 2014, Mr. Kampf served as the Finance Director for the City of Brooklyn Park ( the 6th largest city in Minnesota).  Other public sector experience includes serving as the Finance Director for the City of Robbinsdale, serving as an accountant for the City of Coon Rapids, and serving as a Local Government Auditor - Senior for the Office of the Minnesota State Auditor.  In Addition, Mr. Kampf is a past president of the Minnesota Government Finance Officers Association (MNGFOA), and currently serves on the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada's (GFOA) Treasury and Investment Management Committee.

Photo of Brenda Pavelich-Beck

Brenda Pavelich-Beck

Accounting Director
(763) 324-1715

Brenda Pavelich-Beck, CPA (inactive) serves as an Accounting Director for Anoka County, Anoka, Minnesota.  In this position, she oversees the accounts payable function and payroll for 2,000 plus employees and is responsible for the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), as well as debt administration for the County.  Currently, Anoka County’s debt is a mix of general obligation, lease revenue and limited tax bonds totaling $187 million.  Brenda joined the County several years ago, after working in private industry and received her Bachelor of Science degree from the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.  She is currently an active member of the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), and the Minnesota Government Finance Officers Association (MnGFOA).

Photo of Patti Hetrick

Patti Hetrick

Budget Director
(763) 324-1716

Patti Hetrick is Anoka County's  Budget Director.  She is a graduate of Luther College, Decorah, Iowa with a major in Accounting and International Business.  She also obtained her Certified Internal Audit designation. Her career began at Cargill, Inc. in the International Audit Division.  After Cargill, she worked at G&K Services, helping the company to grow from a $70 M to $700 M Fortune 500 company.  She developed and directed  the Internal Audit Department, the project management function, and the business manager training.  She also was part of the acquisition team, as well as overseeing the streamlining of 70 individual plants to 4 major warehouses across the US and Canada.  As she grew her family, she chose to work as a consultant, working with companies to streamline and improve purchasing of specialized operating expenses.  Since 2005, Patti has worked in County Government as the Budget Director, first at Sherburne County and now in Anoka.  Patti also is certified in Lean Process Facilitation and actively participates in the Continuous Improvement effort at Anoka County.